Protecting critical services without disruption
Whether compliance-as-security in CNI offers security or false confidence
Navigating tool and dashboard complexity to avoid CNI cyber blind spots
Attracting cyber talent into CNI and away from finance and tech
Thom Langford, Host, teissTalk
Sofia Martinez Gomez, VP, Risk & Tech Practice - Cybersecurity, Privacy & Compliance, AlixPartners
Deryck Mitchelson, Global CISO, Checkpoint
2024 saw a deluge of cyber attacks, with many successful ones disrupting our fabric of society. Healthcare, energy, water and council services were repeatedly compromised with the scripted post-incident apology that “we take cyber security seriously” no l
Are cyber attacks becoming more complex or does CNI need to up its defence capabilities?
In our next episode of teissTalk with Thom Langford, we’ll explore:
Whether compliance-as-security in CNI offers security or false confidence
Navigating tool and dashboard complexity to avoid CNI cyber blind spots
Attracting cyber talent into CNI and away from finance and tech
Join this episode for a thought-provoking discussion on actions that can be taken now to restore faith in our ability to provide critical services without disruption.
Featured SpeakersView All
Thom Langford
Sofia Martinez Gomez
Deryck Mitchelson
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